The Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club Inclusive Opportunity Fund provides financial assistance to junior sailing candidates who would not otherwise be able to participate. This fund supplements ABYC’s annual commitment to donate 10 two-week sessions each year, allowing us to offer programs to more young people, and over multi-year periods.
Candidates will continue to be selected by our community partners: Broadreach Foundation, Mooredale Day Camp, and Community Centre 55. Candidates can attend the Junior Sailing School program, from Wet feet through CANSail levels 1-6. At the completion of the CanSail program, those candidates showing leadership potential would be offered fully paid Instructor Training, and if successful, positions teaching at the JSS.
Sailing is a sport that teaches lifelong skills of teamwork, resilience, and leadership, and this fund allows more people to access our sport and potential career opportunities within it.