ABYC's Wind Athletes Corinthian Fund supports competitive sailing through sailor development, programming, and events such as regattas. The funds mandate is to:
Support regional, national, and international amateur sailing and competition among the youth of ABYC. Funds will be used to support this mission by providing financial support to deserving athletes. Eligible expenses will be reimbursed and may include travel, non-capital equipment, coaching and participation/regatta entry fees.
Support ABYC programming that leads to high performance sailing; this includes the activities of the ABYC Sailing School and its associated race teams, important pipelines for the development of high-performance sailors. This may include supporting youth regattas and other events at ABYC as well as the provision of capital for training boats and coach boats.
Support regional, national, and international sailing for non-youth sailors; typically, these sailors would be on a track to national team membership or national team members, though sailors campaigning to compete at national or international events will be considered.
Tax receipts will be provided. Your donations help ABYC's sailors to be at their best as they race at home and around the world. Please help by sharing this page and letting other know about the ABYC Wind Athletes Corinthian Fund.