Project D'Ad Lib is meant to be part of that journey. We realize that what makes a great sailor is the ability to sail on different boats, which is not always so easy and accessible. The mission of D'Ad Lib is 3 fold:
1) Spread the love of sailing to everyone and provide the opportunity to those that do not have the opportunity to do keel boat sailing and racing on an exciting platform, that being a Frers 33;
2) Focus on getting more youth dinghy sailors to experience big boat sailing, allowing them to acquire skills that are not learn't in that particular type of sailing but very important as part of the development of their career;
3) Develop the next generation of sailors who are interested in buying keel boats and sailing them competitively as well as attract more members to yacht clubs in the Montreal region;
In order to accomplish this mission, Bill Thompson, has been appointed skipper. He has skippered the boat for many years as a previous owner. He knows the boat well and has a love for her.
The boat will also reside at Pointe-Claire Yacht Club (PCYC). PCYC has an active racing fleet and sailors that can encourage and help promote the program. The boat will also be used for educating and allowing people that otherwise could not experience the joy of big boat sailing.